FILM PREVIS brings out the kid in everyone. We sketch ideas, act them out, then create a fun animation sequence to give the production confidence in the plan. These projects are under lock and key with Hollywood but here’s a brief overview.

SESAME STREET Collaborate with Jonathan Krisel to Direct choreography for a killer Bo Burnham musical number starring Anne Hathaway. You may or may not want to see me dancing around my living room to block out steps for Anne and the Muppets…

I absolutely loved working with Jonathan Krisel and to help plan his vision and hopefully give some added bonuses along the way. The challenge was making sure the dream could technically become a reality while also taking it somewhere further than imagined. We had many alternate ideas to explore before the long covid shutdown. I can’t wait to see this sequence in theaters early next year!

Jonathan Krisel, Brandon Trost, Bo Burnham, Anne Hathaway

BLACK IS KING Direction – Levitation sequence with Blitz the Ambassador

With days left till the shoot and concern over ambitious effects shots I quickly boarded out two sequences. Each with a very different budget. I brought these to life with previs so we could sit back and judge the ideas on all levels. This helped the team decide that the idea as scripted would be too costly, take too much time, and actually near impossible. The second option while still cinematic and artful, was closer to reality and ultimately led to a new set location staying on budget and delivering on time.

Beyonce, Blitz the Ambassador, Folajomi ‘FJ’ Akinmurele